The Funcles are here for well, FUN! We believe that one of the most important things families can do is have fun and our goal is to help facilitate the good times ahead. 


Quality time

Life, especially with children, can get hectic and busy. Sending a couple out to dinner is a simple way for us to help couples to slow down and enjoy one another. 


Quality Social

They say it takes a village, and we’ve certainly seen that to be true. Families are stronger when they are connected with other families. Pairing a few families with similar aged children allows the children to grow deeper bonds in friendship, while allowing the parents to do the same.


Quality Fun

Through larger family events, some serious fun is in store. These events will give larger groupings of families the chance to switch up the scenery and ditch life’s responsibilities…at least for a day or two. 

“The Funcles are AMAZING! Thank you for providing a safe, fun, and positive experience that we will never forget. Definitely looking forward to the next one!”